Here I will describe the various technologies and methods used in the making of this site.
Overall Site
The site is primarily based on PHP file includes for site wide consistency and Bootstrap for the presentation.
Future plans include:
- a publishing system
- a notification system
- collapsible text groups (like this one)
Photo Gallery
I wrote the photo gallery when faced with a boring task and a bout of laziness.
I didn't wish to name, organize, upload, and then hand copy / paste ~370 photo image links, twice. My answer, was to write a script that has a few directories specified, and then build the menus and galleries from those.
While I was at it, I also wrote a script to run through those directories and resize all images to no larger than 1024px on a side.
I finished the project by using Bootstrap's carousel for the final presentation of the galleries.
Some planned upgrades in the future are to:
- allow direct URLs to individual galleries
- organize the galleries into groups
- add meta data to facilitate those groups
- add a photo count next to the galleries
- further automate the process:
- allow the directories to be found by the script itself
- automate the sizing script